Article: Reflections for Presidents’ Day 2022

After many months of tumultuous campaigns and a very derisive election process and post-election period, 13 months ago, we found ourselves with a new president.  The government governs with the authority of God (Romans 13:1-2).  That included President Trump.  It also includes President Biden.  Regardless of whether you voted for President Biden, if you are a citizen of the United States of America, he is your president and you should pray for him.  You should spend some time sincerely asking God to guide President Biden and place in his heart a desire to do the things that God wills for this nation.  However, you should not place your hope for this nation in President Biden.

As a nation, in many ways, we are not in a very good place right now.  I think that most of us recognize that.  However, we don’t tend to recognize what the real problem is.  We tend to put all the faith and the blame with the politicians but, fundamentally, the politicians are not the problem and they are not the solution.  We as a nation have a problem because we as a people have a problem.  The solution begins with us acknowledging that fact and nothing will change until we do.  Many of us have forgotten God, who made our nation great once and who is the only One Who can make it great again.  Healing in each of our individual hearts is where the healing of our nation starts and God is the only One Who has the power to do any true healing.

Give your life to Him, trust Him, and truly seek Him and His glory in all that you do.  If you do that, He won’t take away your tribulation but He will give you a joy and a peace in the midst of the tribulation that is unlike anything you have ever known.  If all of us begin to do that, then He will begin to heal our nation.  If we don’t do that, then no one is going to help our nation in any meaningful way.  President Biden can’t do it.  President Trump couldn’t have done it.  Only Jesus can do it.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”.  In John 14:6, Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, except by me”.  Do you know him?  If not, please take a look at the “The Most Important Thing”” section of this website.  I promise you, He is the best friend you will ever have and He alone is the only hope this nation has.

As we approach President’s day of 2022, there is one last point I would like to make.  Many Christians were happy to abide by the principles in the first paragraph of this post with regard to President Trump but not so for President Biden.  Many of these people may read that first paragraph and conclude that I am a Democrat, a liberal, and/or pro-Biden.  These things are not so.  I voted for President Trump, both times.  Until this paragraph, this article is identical to one that I posted right after President Trump took office.  I only changed six words in the opening sentence and changed the names to make the article fit 2022 in stead of 2017.  I didn’t have to change anything else because, although the man in the White House has changed, God never changes.  See Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8.  Therefore, the meaning of His Word never changes.  If we are to truly live based on His Word, then the way we act concerning the president should not change.  As Christians, we would do well to remember that.  I would invite you to Take a honest look at your attitude concerning President Biden and ask yourself what it says about your attitude concerning truly following Christ.  Then, ask yourself if anything needs to change.  Just something to think about.

Author: Scott Duck