I am Scott Duck, founder and president of Scott Duck Ministries. It is necessary to tell you who I am but I do not like making statements like that. For one thing, I have never liked that my name is in the name of this ministry. I was advised to name it that, for reasons that do make sense, but it has always made me a little uncomfortable. My sentiments concerning this can be summed up in a quote that hangs directly behind me on the wall in my study. It says:
“It is God’s organization, not mine, and if we ever lose sight of that fact, God will withdraw His blessing from our work.” – Billy Graham
It has never been just me doing the work of this ministry that belongs to Him. My wife, Lara, has always worked behind the scenes, helping to handle correspondence with pastors and directors of missions, helping with corporate record keeping and filing, driving me to speaking engagements (I am blind), graphic and video editing, and many other tasks related to running a ministry like this. Her assistance has been invaluable in reaching people for Christ and I cannot express enough appreciation to her for that. However, I have always been the one out front, writing the articles and blog posts, talking to the camera, recording the podcasts, delivering the messages, and such things. I have never felt lead to ask anyone to step up along side me in doing some of these things, until now.
I would like to introduce you to Alaina Downen. Alaina is 26 years old, a Christian, a registered nurse, the girlfriend of my second oldest son, and she has one of the biggest hearts for Christ I have ever seen. She exudes His strength, wisdom, humility, and love. I know her heart well. In the time I have known her, we have often found ourselves discussing many things of spiritual importance. She has sought my counsel concerning many things and I think I have come away from most of those conversations having gotten more out of them than she did and I have come to value her counsel as well. For a while now, I have felt led of the Spirit to invite her to step up along side me, to help in doing some of the work of this ministry. I recently extended that invitation, which I believe to have been of Him, to her. She also strongly believes that this is of Him. Therefore, I am very excited to announce that Alaina has joined the team of Scott Duck Ministries.
Some of the articles and blog posts you see on this site will now have been written by her, properly credited as such. We are starting there. This ministry does much work for His Kingdom and, in time, I think you will begin to see her hand in more and more of it. We will diligently seek His direction and will see what He has in store. Of course, it is very important that we always give ultimate credit where it is really due, which is to God. Praise Him!