Every Little Bit Helps

I am Carroll Griffin, vice-president of Scott Duck Ministries. Scott usually doesn’t like to admit that he knows me and he certainly doesn’t let me post content to the website but I caught him away from his computer for a few minutes. I have to hurry and get this up before he gets back.

Earlier today, Scott and I were talking about the financial condition of the ministry. Things are slowly but steadily improving, much better than even just a year ago, and we thank God for that, but things are still tight. The ministry is able to pay Scott and Lara but not as much as it really needs to if they are going to do things like eventually replace their car which has 225K miles on it and which they drive all over West Tennessee doing ministry work. Remember, that for Scott to speak at churches, Lara is his eyes to get him there so he can speak! Also, there are some things that are in the board approved budget but that we just don’t have the money for, like promotion of online content in order to reach more people. We were talking about the need for more regular monthly contributors. I told Scott that I have someone who I have thought about asking to help the ministry but I explained that this person isn’t doing as well as they once were financially. I said that he is still doing well but not overflowing.

Scott said:
He doesn’t have to be overflowing. Just a little trickle would help us. If we get a trickle from enough people, it will add up to a river. A lot of the donations we get are for around $20. They add up and really help. We need to get more people to do that on a regular monthly basis. Of course $200 would be even better but Most people can’t afford $200 or $300 per month. Most can afford $20 or $30 or $40, if they really want to.

We were talking about the ministry in general, not about me, but that got me to thinking. I, myself, haven’t been contributing financially to the work of Scott Duck Ministries every month as I want to. Why not? My financial situation too isn’t what it once was. Because I couldn’t contribute $200 or $300 per month, I wasn’t even contributing $20 or $30. I thought that wasn’t significant enough to bother with and I was honestly ashamed that I couldn’t do more. I now realize that I was wrong in my way of thinking. Our Lord is in the business of taking little and doing much with it. I just wrote the first of many monthly checks to Scott Duck Ministries and I would encourage you to do the same. If you can’t do much, that’s OK. As I am coming to realize, every little bit helps.

I am writing this post rather than Scott for a couple of reasons. First, it was my idea in the first place. Second, Scott hates asking for money even more than I do. Listen folks. I don’t receive a dime from this ministry. Mine is an unpaid position. I am asking you to do what you can to help this ministry because I have seen, first hand, the work that it does and the things that God is doing through it. Scott’s ministry is different than anyone else’s in that his calling is different! I believe in Scott but, even more than that, I believe in the God who called him to this ministry and I have no doubt that God did call him to it. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for the future of Scott Duck Ministries. Please join me in financially contributing to its work.

If you would like to do that, you can follow this link:

Author: Scott Duck

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