We need Your Help With Our YouTube Channel

I am Scott Duck, founder of Scott Duck Ministries. There are many ways in which we reach people for Christ in this ministry that God has blessed us with. One of those ways is through social media. About a year ago, we started a YouTube channel. I am still much more comfortable speaking to a live congregation than to a camera but I am slowly getting better at it and I think we’ve posted some pretty good content. The channel is slowly growing in popularity but we still don’t have all that many subscribers. One big way of getting subscribers is to do a FaceBook post about the channel and then boost it (FaceBook payed promotion). However, at the moment, a lot of boosting just isn’t in the ministry’s budget. We really need your help! Please check out the channel and help us to spread the word about it.

Here is a link to the channel:

Here are some videos to get you started.

This video will tell you about who we are and about the work of our ministry:

This video is an overview of my Christian testimony:

Those two videos are a really good place to start with the channel. If you need some encouragement as we get into 2020, here are a couple more good ones to look at.

There is hope for 2020 and beyond:

Feeling God’s Love:

There is a lot more there you can check out as well and there is a lot more coming so please subscribe! And please spread the word!

Author: Scott Duck

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