Exciting News and Request

I usually post articles on this section of the website but, this time, I have some exciting news to share and a request to make.

I am Scott Duck, founder and president of Scott Duck Ministries.  For those who don’t know, I am completely blind and am in full time Christian ministry.  I testify about the things that God has taught me through my blindness related hardships and how He has actually used those hardships to reach people for Him.  I talk about how God can use all of us, in spite of any hardships we may face and even empower us to use those hardships for His glory.  In addition to testifying, I preach, I write books and articles, and I have a YouTube channel.  Basically, I and a dedicated team of 12 prayer partners pray for God to open the doors that He would have me walk through and, when He opens them, I walk through them.  This is what I do, full time.

I am not the only person who works on behalf of this ministry.  I don’t have time to do everything myself and, especially with my blindness, I need help with some things.  My wife, Lara, aside from taking care of our home and children, has begun to work along side me in the ministry as well. 

I started Scott Duck Ministries five years ago and God has blessed it with slow but steady growth. After much prayer and council, earlier this year, we believed that we had reached the point in the growth of the ministry where incorporation was the next logical step and many of our prayer partners have encouraged this move for some time.  Therefore, we have just formed the “Scott Duck Ministries” nonprofit corporation. We need financial support in order to carry out the work that God has called us to do.  I would like to ask you to contribute, if you can, to this ministry that is proving to bring people to Christ and to help those who already know Him to follow Him more closely.  Some  choose to make a one time contribution while others prefer a regular monthly contribution. All contributions are tax deductible.  Anything that you are able to do would help immensely and would be greatly appreciated. For more information about Scott Duck Ministries Inc, please explore the rest of this website.

If you would like to make a financial contribution, you can securely donate via debit or credit card at:

Checks can be made payable to:
Scott Duck Ministries Inc.
27 Country Run Drive
Medon, TN 38356

Whether or not you are able to contribute financially, please pray for God’s continued blessing on this ministry.

In Christ and For His Glory,
Scott Duck

Author: Scott Duck

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