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Article: Treasure – By Alaina Downen
The first thing I think of when I hear the word “treasure” is a big wooden chest full of gold doubloons and pearl necklaces that…
Meet Alaina Downen
I am Scott Duck, founder and president of Scott Duck Ministries. It is necessary to tell you who I am but I do not like…
Article: Only One Savior
The 2024 United States presidential election is over and the candidate that many of us wanted to win has won. That’s great but I think…
Article: Dealing With Doubt – Part 5
This is the last part of a 5 part series, dealing with doubt. In my experience, people say that the concept of God doesn’t make…
Article: Dealing With Doubt – Part 4
This is part 4 of what will be a 5 part series, dealing with doubt. in my experience, people say that the concept of God…
Article: Dealing With Doubt – Part 3
This is part 3 of what will be a 5 part series, dealing with doubt. As was the case with the last 2 articles I…
Article: Dealing With Doubt – Part 2
This is part 2 of what will be a 5 part series, dealing with doubt. As was the case with the last article I posted,…
Article: Dealing With Doubt – Part 1
This is part 1 of what will be a 5 part series, dealing with doubt. This article is a little out of the ordinary, as…
Article: In Whom Do You Trust?
I absolutely hate politics. I do talk about many things that many people see as political issues. However, I do not see them as political…
Article: Daddy, It Hurts
All of us, as Christians, at one time or another, sometimes very often, go through things that hurt and that we don’t understand. At such…