View Finder (View Series #2)

View Finder, the long awaited sequel to “In Full View”, by Scott Duck, is here!


Dan, Christine, and Jake are back. In “In Full View”, Jake Richardson, who had been blind, gained his eyesight through a new technology developed by Vision Biotech. At the same time, Jake’s brother, Dan Richardson, and Christine Dunning discovered their love for one another while also discovering a money laundering operation which was connected to the very company which had given Jake his sight. Dan and Christine were married, Jake can see, and justice was served. A happy ending, right?


Maybe not. Now, in “View Finder”, Jake struggles to hold on to the eyesight that he previously gained, Dan is trying to resurrect Vision Biotech after it was destroyed by the money laundering scandal while also trying to find his spiritual sight, and Christine is struggling to make peace with her past. As if that weren’t hard enough, Vinnie Patrillo and Steve Levet show up. If you have read “In Full View” then you certainly remember Vinnie and Steve. They are not nice men and they are now intent on settling old scores. Before it’s over, Dan, Christine, and Jake will be again fighting for their lives!


Here is a link to the paperback addition on Amazon:


Here is a link to the Kindle addition on Amazon: