Blind Faith (Autobiographical)

Regardless of past mistakes, physical afflictions, financial hardships, or any other negative factor, God can use anyone to reach people and make a positive difference in the world. This is something that Christian author and speaker Scott Duck understands very well, from firsthand experience, and he invites you to join him on his journey of blind faith.


From Scott:

Are you hurting or do you know someone else who is? I understand. I am completely blind. I have faced a lot of tribulation in my life, much of it because of my blindness. However, The Lord has always helped me to bear up against adversity and He has used my blindness to help me to reach people for Him. In spite of whatever problems and limiting factors you may be facing, He can and will do the same for you, if you will let Him. He loves you so much.


Through the pages of “Blind Faith”, please join me on my journey of tribulation and triumph and allow me to share what God has done in and through me and what He stands waiting to do in and through you.


Here is a link to the paperback addition on Amazon:


Here is a link to the Kindle addition on Amazon: