The first thing I think of when I hear the word “treasure” is a big wooden chest full of gold doubloons and pearl necklaces that have been pulled from a secret place, hidden away for a long period of time, a chest that’s sought after and protected. It’s interesting how old tv shows and movies have shaped that image in my head. Just recently I had that word in my head, over and over. “Treasure.” I felt the leading of The Spirit toward that word and now here we are.
A few things that have come to mind are New Testament references to treasure. Matthew 6:21 is a classic example that’s quoted often. Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The Words Jesus spoke in Matthew regarding treasure were part of His sermon on the mount. There’s a lot to unpack throughout that whole portion of Scripture but this part specifically has to do with the level of generosity in one’s heart. The Greek in the text in Matthew 6 points to having a heart that is either giving and generous, or one that is out for itself, stingy and greedy. It’s a heart check moment, much like God asking Adam where He was in the garden in Genesis 3. God knew exactly where Adam was. He didn’t need His creation to tell Him what his location was. It’s deeper than that. “Where are you?” He knew what Adam and Eve had done. This brings me to Luke 2:19, an excellent Christmas reference for this time of year. “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” There’s a theme going here between treasure and a person’s heart. What we find important to us, what it is that we treasure, manifests in how we live.
Being that we are made in the image of God Himself, we can conclude that these themes in His Word come from His heart. So what’s God’s treasure? Well, go back to Genesis. From the very moment of the fall of man, God put His rescue mission into place. After Adam tells God that he is naked and the truth is all out in the open, guess what God does. There’s the result of sin, and God telling Adam and Eve what to expect from then on. Then, the first sacrifice. Genesis 3:21 says, “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” God not only made the first sacrifice to clothe his creation, but we see here a theme that ultimately points to The Sacrifice that is Jesus Christ. His Blood shed, to clothe us. To cover us and save us. How undeserving Adam and Eve were, how much you and I today don’t deserve this gift… this treasure.
This upcoming holiday season it’s tempting to give into Satan’s plan of stealing our joy. Jesus says in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Satan can’t steal our treasure of salvation. Jesus says no one can pluck us from His Hand (get the treasure reference? Hidden away, held in high regard, guarded). But the enemy sure is out to steal our joy and to twist God’s Word and therefore make us ineffective in spreading the Gospel. He’s done it from the beginning. “Did God really say..?” The basis of Satan’s lies is to question God’s character. To question His authority and His Word. Listen to me, friends. Jesus, our light in the darkness, our Savior. Our treasure. Let Him be Who we ponder on this Christmas season, and every season. Let our hearts be fixed on the One Who treasured us first.