We are getting into the Christmas season, a time when many of us give and receive many gifts. I suppose gift giving is mostly thought of as being part of the secular side of the holiday, and it is, but, if pondered in the proper context, it could also perhaps help us to relate to the spiritual side as well. It could perhaps help us to better understand the true meaning of Christmas. To that end, in this 5 part series on Christmas gifts, I would like to look at the answers to five questions that pertain to gifts.
What do we think about when someone gives us a gift? I think, for most of us, consciously or unconsciously, there are 5 basic questions or considerations in our mind.
What is it?
Do we need or want it?
How much did it cost?
Was it given voluntarily?
What are we going to do with it?
What in the world do these questions have to do with Jesus? In the context in which we usually think of Christmas gift giving and receiving, of worldly gifts and worldly circumstances, these questions have nothing to do with Jesus. However, if we look at these same questions, from a different prospective, then they have everything to do with Him. So, I would like to look at each of these 5 basic questions, first from a secular prospective, and then as they relate to our relationship with God.
In part 1, I looked at the first question in the list, “What is it?” and I pondered God’s gift to us. You can find that here: The Gift Series, Part 1
In part 2, I looked at the second question, “Do we need or want it”, and I pondered just how much we need God’s gift of grace. You can find that here: The Gift Series, Part 2
In part 3, I looked at the third question, “How much did it cost?”, and I pondered just how extraordinarily costly was His gift of grace to us. You can find that here: The Gift Series Part 3
In part 4, I looked at the fourth question, “Was it given voluntarily?”, and I pondered whether His gift of grace to us was given out of obligation. You can find that here: The Gift Series Part 4
Now, let’s move on to the final question, question 5.
Question 5: What are we going to do with it?
If you got a gift that you didn’t really need or want, that was cheap, and given out of obligation, what would you do with it? It’s probably going to end up at the back of a drawer or closet shelf, isn’t it? If you got a gift that was something that you really needed, something that was the best of it’s kind that you could get, that was very expensive and voluntarily given, what would you do with that? You would treasure it, you would show it off and brag on it a little, wouldn’t you?
Let’s look at the spiritual side of this. For those who have received His gift of grace, what are we going to do with it?
In this series, I have talked a lot about God’s gift of grace and His incomprehensible love for us. This is His gift to us. What would He have us do with it? What did Jesus Himself have to say about this?
Matthew 5
14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Christ’s love is where the standard for love, where our very definition of love, is suppose to come from. 1 John 3:16 says “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us”. Then, once we know love, what do we do with that love? Matthew 22:36-39 tells us that the first and foremost thing He asks of us is to love Him with all our hearts and the second thing He asks flows from that, to love each-other as He first loved us.
What will you do with His gift this Christmas? Will you receive it? Will you treasure it? Will you show it to others? Will you do as He commanded and let His love shine through you to the rest of the world?
Gifts are fine but please do more than that. If you have children and they aren’t Christians, make sure that they understand what Jesus did for them and what He offers them. If you know someone who is really struggling financially and if you are able, perhaps see if you can help them out a little. If you know someone who is lonely, give them a call. Find some way to show the same love that Jesus showed you to a few people who really need it this Christmas.
And what of spreading His gift of grace? Do you know people who don’t yet have it, who may not even know about it? We all do. What did He say about that?
Matthew 28:19-20 says” Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” These were the last words that Jesus spoke, on Earth, before His ascension to Heaven.
We are to teach others about Him and what He taught. We should tell others of His gift of grace, as we have opportunity. One of the most effective ways to get that opportunity is in the way we live our life for Him. Colossians 3:23-24 says “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” We must do what we do, not for ourselves, not for others, but for Him. In so doing, His light will shine through us, letting the world see His grace, leading them to want it too, giving us and/or others who proclaim His Name the opportunity to be able to tell them of His gift of grace. This Christmas season and beyond, I would like to encourage you to let His light shine through you. Through the way you live your life, glorify Him. There can be no greater joy. It’s what you were made for.
What about you and His gift of grace? Have you ever received the most precious of all gifts? I’m not asking if you are a good person. I’m not asking if you go to church. I’m not asking if you are a member of a church. I’m not asking if you have been baptized. I’m asking if you have ever recognized the fact that you have a desperate need for what Jesus the Christ has to offer. I’m asking if you have ever confessed that need to Him. I’m asking if you have asked Him for and received the gift that He bought and payed for long ago. I’m asking if you have truly repented of your sins and given your life to Him and sincerely asked Him to be your Lord and Master. Have you? If not, you can do that today. Just visit the “The Most Important Thing” section of this website, to find out how. There can be no better gift for you this Christmas and, take it from me, there can be no better friend than Him.
Have a wonderful Christmas! May the peace that only He can give be with you.